Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Fourth Encounter

And by fourth I mean "awesome" and by "encounter" I mean "cock slapping" and by "cock slapping" I mean "baseball bat"

Yeah, the thing ran like a motherfucker once I went after it. Still toying with me. Getting a bit afraid.

Wondering why it hasn't just offed me yet.


  1. Wait, it RAN, you said? Like a normal person would? It's still kind of difficult to determine how it moves.

  2. It sort of...glided, almost. Slid.

    Like a snake, but through the air you know?

  3. So it wasn't touching the ground? Did you see any tentacles?

  4. Arm yourself with a camera of some sort. Bring it with you wherever you go and always keep it on. If you see The Watcher, initiate a photo shoot.

  5. No, it sort know when someone runs in a cartoon and they leave a vapor trail behind? Or when a camera cycles between frames?

    Like that. He just sort of...went out the door. Left an after image.

  6. So if I do a photo shoot, should I get him to pose?

  7. If time allows, I'd go for it.

  8. JESUS CHRIST you are epically awesome! You truly are the bravest person to ever encounter the sm for sure!

  9. What woobie said.

    And thanks, I get what you mean about the gliding. it's interesting that you haven't seen any tentacles yet, he must be treating you a bit differently since you're so brave against him.

    Good luck, keep us posted. You might want to just keep a video camera on yourself rather than a point and shoot or SLR. Just like Jay is doing.

  10. Just like Jay is doing? The kid is having it WORSE then I am!

    Well, he hasn't gone into a totheark seizure fest and written long rants about the hidden truth and the tree of life, but he is puking his guts out and having memory loss any other day.

    Which one is worse, do you think?

  11. It's a toss-up, really. I don't think I could choose.
